smlm pon, last day of ain kat bspj. sobsob.. so mlm tadi ala2 farewell la utk dia.. all d best eh! aku tau ko soka je balik kelantan, sbb ari2 jumpa husband ko.. ahaa!
pagi tadi, timah called n we borak2 like flashing back zaman2 doremon. zaman2 boleh drive all d way to kl, naik kancil bobot, pakcik mahbot bagi touch n go, tgk midnite kat kl, lepak umah nini, mkn2.. n few others.. LOL. lawak2.. mmg byk sgt tragedi yg sgt tak dpt dilupakan. i wont mention it here. tapi penah tak korang dgr cassete yg main 1 lagu je for entire cassette? takde jual kan? tapi cik fatimah kite ni dpt 1!!! lagu last kiss by pearl jam. flashback ini gara2 mahbob msg aku kat frenster. gosip gosip. btw mahbob, (if u read this), anak ko tu sgt la cumil!! putih mcm mak dia..
mlm tadi aku balik2 je, tuka baju, trus ttdo. gbi ada call dlm 11 lbih, tapi tak sedar, bole? bangun2, dah 530am. wahhh!! bangun2 sahur! nape ngantuk sgt mlm tadi? lailatul qadr? smlm aku dgr radio, dr fadzillah kamsah ada btau, org2 yg akan dpt lailatul qadr adalah :
1) isya' berjemaah
2) terawih berjemaah, sebaik2nya 20 rakaat.
3) witir berjemaah.
4) tadarus / mengaji
5) ada lagi, tapi tak ingat..
i'm not 1 of them.. ish, aku penat sgt kot smlm..
cda tipu,die call aku pukul 1145.
"oh where oh where can my baby be, the lord took her away from me, she's gone to heaven so I got to be good, so I can see my baby when I leave this world...."
aku call ko 1030 ok. its written in tev.
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