Monday, September 7, 2009

sila baca dengan hati yang terbuka..

Someone sent me an email, some points to ponder.

Rasulullah says..

1) Four things that make your body sick:-
a)Excessive talking
b)Excessive sleeping
c)Excessive eating and
d)Excessive meeting/outing with people

2) Four things that destroys the body:-
b)Sorrow (Sadness/Grief)
d)Sleeping late at night

3) Four things that make the face looking dull and haggard:-
b)Being disrespectful/impudent (knowingly)
c) Baseless arguements
d)Excessive immorality (committing sins without fear)

4) Four things that make the face glow and shine:-
a) Piety
b) Loyalty
c) Generosity and kindness
d)Helpful to others without being asked

5) Four things make the Rizqi (Sustenance) stop:-
a) Sleeping till late in the morning (from Fajr to sunrise)
b) Not Performing Fardhu or Irregular in Prayers
c) Laziness/Idleness
d) Treachery/Dishonesty

6) Four things that bring/increase the Rizqi:-
a) Staying up in the night in prayers
b) Excessive Repentance
c) Regular Charity
d) Zikr (Remembrance of Allah)

renung-renungkan dan selamat beramal~~


rawsktar said...

thanks sayang.

cdalan said...

no prob. shawing is cawingg

dazzling 948 said...

bagus bagus...tq shida...

wahida said...

Thanks K.Shida! Selamat berpuasa.

cdalan said...

wahida! how ru? salam ramadhan. tinggal lagi bape hari je ni..

wahida said...

Fine, alhamdulillah! Kita link blog K.Shida tau.